Oil Company Explores Elephant Community And Ignores Community Concerns

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ReconAfrica is a Canadian oil company searching for oil down in Namibia. Namibia, a South-African country, is home to elephants and hundreds of other wildlife species. Without permits, this company is disposing of their wastewater right onto the wildlife. Localists are extremely concerned about the impact on the community, but ReconAfrica is ignoring them. This large threat from gas and oil drilling to one of the planet’s most diverse and rich ecosystems “boggles the mind,” says Willem Odendaal to National Geographic.  Willem Odendaal is the former environment project coordinator at Namibia’s Legal Assistance Centre. 

The oil that ReconAfrica needs from deep underground requires large quantities of water. This hurts the country, since water is already scarce there. At the moment,  there are few water sources and wildlife during this long and dry season. Africas largest population relies on 2.5 trillion gallons of water a year. 


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